New Year resolutions are something the papers and stupid friends impose on us all.
If you know very well you don't carry out New Year resolutions, don't make one at all.
It's just that, in defiance of decades of New Year resolutions, it's unlikely to make us slim.
The time for New Year resolutions is here again. But is it worth the pain to make resolutions?
Therefore, by taking note of people's New Year resolutions, we can foresee the direction which our society gravitates toward.
You may have felt determined to be a better and changed person while taking out your pen and getting ready to make New Year resolutions.
The research, carried out by the SupermarketOwnBrandGuide website, comes as many people begin strict diet regimes as part of New Year resolutions.
The research, carried out by the SupermarketOwnBrandGuide website, comes as many people begin strict diet regimes as part of New Year resolutions。
This year, instead of making the same old New year resolutions, perhaps it would be more meaningful to prime the pump with the very qualities you would like to see more of in your lift!
Most New Year resolutions focus on self-improvement, the NHSBT claims, consisting of promises to eat more fruit and vegetables, doing more exercise, stopping smoking or drinking less alcohol.
What should be Barack Obama’s resolutions for the New Year once he takes office?
The New Year is a time for resolutions. Mentally, at least, most of us could compile formidable lists of 'dos' and 'don'ts'.
My point is that there may be no point in making New Year’s Resolutions, so why start a brand new year off by putting this kind of counterproductive pressure on yourself?
Less than 30% of New Years resolutions ever achieve success, but year after year, we stick with tradition of making at least one resolution.
Many New Year dieting resolutions is now running out of steam in Britain, a survey shows, despite a trend towards longer-term dieting as opposed to celebrity-inspired quick fixes.
With the New Year upon us, many people have taken the time to come up with goals or resolutions.
One of my resolutions this New Year is to popularize the term " thick presence. " It sounds lurid, but it's not.
Thee New Year is around us now, and I hope that you're working your way towards your goals and the fulfillment of your resolutions (if you made any).
If you're still looking for work these days, try moving into the New Year on a high note with these seven helpful (and hopefully lucky) job-related resolutions you must keep.
With every New Year there's a lot of resolutions made, areas that we want to improve or things we want to change.
If you're making resolutions for a healthier New Year, consider a gut makeover.
As the New Year rolls in, taking stock of the one just past can prompt the age-old resolutions, 'eat healthier' and 'make better choices'.
The New Year is a time for resolutions. Mentally, at least, most of us could compile formidable lists of ' do's' and' don'ts '.
Regret lingers about goals left unfulfilled. But resolutions flourish to do better in the New Year!
Then, when the new year rolls around, you'll be way ahead of the game—and ready to tackle a new set of resolutions.
So today, in order to make this New Year even more special, I am going to share the New Year's resolutions of my friends and family with you guys.
The New Year is a time for resolutions. Mentally, at least, most of us could compile formidable lists of "do's" and "don 'ts".
The New Year is a time for resolutions. Mentally, at least, most of us could compile formidable lists of "do's" and "don 'ts".