He made his comments at a news conference in Amsterdam.
We can think of a government official holding a news conference, a lawyer cross-questioning a witness in court, or a professor directing a seminar discussion.
The news conference will be held at the NASA Headquarters auditorium at 300 E St. SW, in Washington.
He told a news conference that the elections would be a masquerade.
In an impromptu news conference outside the ballroom, a family spokesman said the couple had no plans for a honeymoon cruise.
"We are looking at all options available, but it will probably have to be by sea," she told a Geneva news conference.
"I believe today we have created a historic breakthrough," Wang, 24, said at a news conference.
At a news conference, he acknowledged he does not agree with all fellow leaders on all issues.
"Some people may have an irrational hope that the higher the growth, the better," he said at a Saturday news conference.
“We need to revive an energetic Japan,” Mr Kan said at his inaugural news conference in June.
Bracken said at a Friday news conference that the NATO strikes were justified.
In one news conference he held, in 1959, he made headlines by saying that Eichmann was in Kuwait.
At his news conference, the overriding impression was of a man not fully in control of his message or his material.
Yet there he was at a news conference on Monday, standing just over Mr. Obama’s left shoulder.
“Every launch is a little bittersweet, ” Michael Moses, the shuttle launch integration manager, said at a news conference Friday.
'People want to know the truth of the allegations implicating the nation's largest conglomerate,' Mr. Roh said at a news conference.
Butler spoke Wednesday afternoon at a news conference organized by the National Science Foundation, the organization that funded Butler's research.
"China's richest are a lot younger than America's richest," said Russell Flannery, Forbes' Shanghai bureau chief, at a news conference.
A report on the project's findings was released today at a news conference in London.
At a news conference, a lawyer for the police said the self-confessed gunman's demeanour hadn't changed.
Speaking at a news conference, Mr Barroso said: "Nobody should be under any illusion: the situation is very serious."
Mr Yanayev famously appeared at a news conference with shaking hands to announce he was replacing Mr Gorbachev.
Prime Minister Naoto Kan spoke about the advisory at a news conference.
Prime Minister Naoto Kan spoke about the advisory at a news conference.