He is Rupert Murdoch's right-hand man at News International.
The Met, for its part, is undergoing as much upheaval as News International, which owned the now-defunct newspaper.
This same absence of moral purpose was wounding companies such as News International, she thought, making it more likely that it would lose its way as it had with widespread illegal telephone hacking.
News International co-operation
News International reacted angrily.
News International denies the claims.
Police said they had asked Brooks to attend on Friday, the day she quit News International.
News International has suddenly changed its stance: it now vows to punish anyone implicated.
In the case of news International, Rupert Murdoch's British newspaper outfit, they got too close.
The firm’s British newspaper outfit, News International, adds only crumbs to that small slice.
But let us not overlook that Coulson's resignation was hugely beneficial to News International.
He is outside the News International organisation. The settlement was supposed to be confidential.
News International has always maintained it had no knowledge of phone hacking by anybody acting on its behalf.
The scandal has led to the resignation of a number of senior police officers and executives at News International.
In response, News International rejected the allegations, accused the MPs of bias and said they had produced nothing new.
The first-mr Cameron's closeness to executives from that paper's parent company, News international-was handled with aplomb.
"James Murdoch clearly is the man who is ultimately responsible for News International in this country," he said to Sky News.
At the time, and for a long time afterwards, executives at News International insisted that Mr Goodman was a lone, rogue operator.
From 1995 to 2007, the head of News International was Les Hinton, a longtime Murdoch aide who is now chief executive of Dow Jones.
Murdoch's newspaper holdings span the globe, from the Australian to the Wall Street Journal and to his news International stable in London.
Executives at news International — the British arm of news Corp. that ran the newspaper — have argued that illegal activities were not widespread.
Then came claims that other News International publications unlawfully obtained private information about the former Prime Minister Gordon Brown.
News International, owner of the Times and the Sun, has already made it clear that it will introduce charges for online content in the coming months.
英国《泰晤士报》及《太阳报》的东家新闻国际集团(News International)早已明确表示将在未来几个月内推行在线内容收费阅读的政策。
This one seems likely to show that both News International and News Corporation made a poor fist of investigating the wrongdoing at the News of the World.
A key question is why news International, the British newspaper arm of news Corporation, took so long to acknowledge widespread wrongdoing at the news of the World.
一个关键问题是,为何英国新闻集团旗下的报社新闻国际(News International)花费这般长久的时间才得知《世界新闻报》的错误行径。
News International said Mr Murdoch would also apologise for what he called "serious wrongdoings" in advertisements to be placed in British newspapers on Saturday.
And like all recent prime ministers, Mr Cameron is close to bosses at News International, parent company of the News of the World, the Sun, Times and Sunday Times.
And like all recent prime ministers, Mr Cameron is close to bosses at News International, parent company of the News of the World, the Sun, Times and Sunday Times.