Craigslist quickly overtook newspaper classified ads and turned newspaper economics upside down.
“I have never seen things so bad, ” says Ylli Sula, who publishes a classified ads newspaper.
"I have never seen things so bad," says Ylli Sula, who publishes a classified ads newspaper.
I registered the company with the State of Texas as “PC's Limited.” I placed ads in the classified section in our local newspaper.
The us newspaper industry has seen AD revenue fall in recent years as advertisers migrate to the Internet, particularly to sites offering free or low-cost alternatives for classified ads.
Then I'll look up the classified ads in the newspaper tomorrow and try to find a job in that direction.
I am 1ooking for rental agents in the classified ads in the newspaper .
I registered the company with the State of Texas as "PC's Limited. " I placed ads in the classified section in our local newspaper.
I registered the company with the State of Texas as "PC's Limited. " I placed ads in the classified section in our local newspaper.