The one thing he didn't have was a son. I think he's felt that a grandson is the next best thing.
San Sebastian is a coastal town that the best thing to do is to lay on the beach and wait for the next scrumptious meal.
If you can't be there in person, the next best thing is watching the match on TV.
"It's from the restaurant below. It's very expensive to eat there, but we can do the next best thing," answered Charlie.
"We’ve got the next best thing to him and it’s not a secret anymore, " she said.
Hybrid cars won't be either, for the same reasons, but until fully electric vehicles run off renewable sources are viable, this is the next best thing.
Be debt free. Live with less. Give up recreational shopping. Don't buy into the next best thing. Put your time and energy into your family, neighborhood and community.
If you're hoping to catch rock's next great thing or simply looking for a good time, South by Southwest is definitely one of the USA's best music events.
So, if an actual observed velocity is not available to use, the next best thing is to estimate a team velocity.
Don't buy into the next best thing. Put your time and energy into your family, neighborhood and community.
If you are not one of the fortunate guests, these pages are the next best thing.
As such, the next best thing we can do is get the athletes to face conditions that will be somewhat similar.
Oh, that’s a long flight, if you’ve been there, so do the next best thing.
噢,要飞很久呢,要是你去过的话就知道了。 既然这样,大家可以作以下次佳选择。
A rolling kitchen cart is the next best thing to adding cabinets and countertop space.
There may be little use for a wand to cast a spell to drive away Dementors, but toy and game manufacturers have come up with the next best thing.
The next best thing is gradually to reduce average firing costs and giving firms better incentives to train their workers.
FOR those who stop short of stuffing their mattress with banknotes, money-market funds are meant to be the next best thing.
However if you don't have a web server and can't install wiki online, the next best thing is to have a wiki on your desktop.
If you can't kill a complex feature, the next best thing is to hide it.
Suer imagines traps baited with these feet bacteria to attract mosquitoes and catch them before they can bite. It’s the next best thing to stepping on them.
If you are unable or unwilling to upgrade your RAM, the next best thing is to reduce the RAM requirements on your system.
As Figure 1 shows, many of today's connection technologies will be integrated by the MDA, with room for tomorrow's "next best thing."
Instead of interacting with English speakers, do the next best thing: interact with English-language books, radio programmes and films.
因为书本本身就充满了完美的英语例句。 如果不能喝英语使用者直接交流,那么久退而求其次,好好利用英语书籍、音频节目和电影吧!
A question the developer often asks himself is "what is the best thing I can work on next to improve performance?"
To love and win is the best thing. To love and lose, is the next best thing. "- William Thackeray".
If it's not possible for you to pass multiple rows in one insert, the next best thing is to combine multiple inserts into a group that all get passed together from the client to the server.
Mr Putin has two daughters, but appointing Mr Medvedev is the next best thing to his appointing a son.
It wont be the paperless office many once thought possible, but it may be the next best thing.
It wont be the paperless office many once thought possible, but it may be the next best thing.