Workshop attendees saw the checklists as a way to better understand the current situation, or state, before moving on to the next major phase of work.
Your company's current state and next steps toward improving your SOA level of adoption described in clear, straight-forward terms.
As you transition from one state to the next, the framework captures the current state, with all instance variables, automatically.
Hence California's current impasse, which may well see the state run out of cash next month.
Next, the reader's state is iteratively examined and depending on the current event type, specific information is reported (such as element name and its attributes if in the START_ELEMENT state).
The current state is then written to the notify.state file, which saves the state for the next read.
当前状态随后被写入notify . state文件,该文件将保存可供下次读取的状态。
"Our brains are always predicting what's going to happen next, based on our current state of knowledge-this is how we learn about the world, but it also reflects how we are in the world," she says.
The next generation of space telescopes will require primary mirrors that push beyond the current state of technology for mirror fabrication.
When the next sales rep goes to synchronize the update to the main database, a conflict occurs because the current state of the row is different from what the synchronization engine was expecting.
Next we talk about the Chinese language characteristics and the current researching state of Chinese sentence processing.
I would like to use today's platform to talk about the current state of the Chinese economy and our policy directions for the next stage.
I would like to use today's platform to talk about the current state of the Chinese economy and our policy directions for the next stage.