Next, ensure that the index has these columns in the proper sequence (according to the ORDER BY clause), so that a sort can be avoided.
One of the primary uses of sequence diagrams is in the transition from requirements expressed as use cases to the next and more formal level of refinement.
However, the sequence of use case steps is often mandatory only in relation to the next interaction with an actor.
Then it applies the function to the previous result and the next element in the sequence.
It USES a finite context statistical modeling technique that blends together several fixed-order context models to predict the next character in the input sequence.
These data collections, eventually called "files," were normally used so that a program could generate output that would be read by the next program in a batch sequence.
Then it identifies the next task in the sequence and hands over control to the search-results form (Figure 2).
In this technique, the moderator goes in order from one member of the group to the next in turn or sequence.
The last file in the sequence would be stored on tape or CARDS for the next time the sequence, eventually called a "job," was executed.
By default, each new node agent created is given the next free number in the sequence, for example, BBON002, BBON003 to BBONXXX.
By default, each new Proxy Server created is given the next free number in the sequence, for example, BBOX002, BBOX003 to BBOXXXX.
By default, each new Application Server created is given the next free number in the sequence, for example, BBOS002, BBOS003 to BBOSXXX.
Fibonacci added the last two Numbers in the series together, and the sum became the next number in the sequence.
By default, each new JMS Server created is given the next free number in the sequence, for example, BBOJ002, BBOJ003 to BOJXXX.
The next two sections explain the sequence of events that occurs in each of these instances.
The next step will be to sequence some of the candidate genes in order to figure out what the longevity-linked variants do.
If the jump destination is "next", then the program will jump to the next step in the sequence.
Next, the middle HSJOIN would cause execution of SHIPs 3 and 4 in sequence, after which the join result would be delivered to the UNION.
We see a sequence of vignettes over the next few days, of Josh and Zuleika together, in the village and the forest.
Range creates a lazy sequence that generates all the Numbers in the given interval; take asks the sequence 10 times for the next element.
range创建了一个lazysequence,这个lazy sequence会预生成好指定范围内的10个数。然后,take会请求10次sequence来获取生成的数。
When you run the sample application, you will see a screen with a protected resource on it. The following sequence of events will occur, which I will describe in more detail in the next sections.
Next sequence opens in a hospital where the recently engaged woman is unconsciousness, and her fiancé is by her side weeping.
So, for the next steps, we're going to set up in a mini "assembly line. " The sequence should be fish - flour - egg - bread crumbs - clean dish!
Next: Moves to the next slide in the defined sequence.
The columns of the next tier are then extended, the jacks are re-stationed, and the floor slabs are lifted and fastened in the same sequence as above until all of them are in design position.
In this case the starting value is returned for an empty sequence, and the function is first applied to the starting value and the first sequence item, then to the result and the next item, and so on.
There is a natural sequence of construction which is the same for most buildings, and for this reason the trades come on to a site usually in the same sequence, from one structure to the next.
For each box sequence in the input file, output the length of the longest nesting string on one line followed on the next line by a list of the boxes that comprise this string in order.
For each box sequence in the input file, output the length of the longest nesting string on one line followed on the next line by a list of the boxes that comprise this string in order.