Linda always gets annoyed when someone calls her Nick name.
The name of Figs, which had been a byword of reproach, became as respectable and popular a Nick name as any other in use in the school.
This street artist amused everyone with his chalk drawings. Mr. Hou from China posted a few pictures of his 3d chalk art on different forums. Chinese netizens soon gave Hou the Nick name "chalk God".
Nick heard a sound behind him. It was the man who was talking with his wife. The man was calling his wife's name.
This was the inspiration behind the book "Fever Pitch" by Nick Hornby, and the movie by the same name.
Nick Buckley was an unusual name for a pretty young woman. But then she had led an unusual life. First, on a treacherous Cornish hillside, the brakes on her car failed.
My name is Nick Vujicic and I love traveling around the world, fishing, golfing and swimming.
I love her Chinese name and want to continue to use it as a family nick-name.
I love her Chinese name and want to continue to use it as a family nick-name.