If you are quitting smoking, get nicotine patches and other cessation AIDS.
The state's free tobacco quit line offers free coaching and a supply of nicotine patches or gum.
Nicotine patches are one way to help smokers give up, but there are worries they may harm the foetus.
These include nicotine patches, which slowly release nicotine into the bloodstream, and nicotine gum, lozenges, and inhalers which provide a 'hit' of nicotine when you get a craving.
If you are considering using a nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) product like nicotine patches, nicotine gum, or nicotine sprays or inhalers, be warned that they are also addictive.
Using a nicotine replacement, such as gum, patches, inhalers, or nasal sprays, can be very helpful.
Patches, gums, and new medications make it easier to break the nicotine addiction .
The agency contends that e-cigarettes are drug or medical devices that require pre-approval from the FDA, much like nicotine gums, patches or sprays.
A suggestion that will be taken up, however, is to provide free nicotine gum and patches to the poorest in society to help cut down on smoking.
Meanwhile, experts continue to recommend the old standbys: nicotine replacement gums, patches, nasal sprays, inhalers and lozenges, which have been proved to be safe.
Meanwhile, experts continue to recommend the old standbys: nicotine replacement gums, patches, nasal sprays, inhalers and lozenges, which have been proved to be safe.