Measures include weighting lines so they sink quickly and do not entice birds, setting lines at night, and setting off bird-scaring lines - made up of multi-coloured streamers to startle seabirds.
After having passed the night in this condition, the bird flew away as soon as it was daylight, and carried me so high, that I could not discern the earth;
And as the road swooped low, pitched and plunged, I felt an exhilarating wildness in my veins - like a swallow, like a mistle thrush, like a bird of spring, buffeted by the sweet night air.
The night that Christ was born a little brown bird shared the stable with the Holy Family.
At sunset it folded its petals, and fell asleep, and dreamt all night of the sun and the little bird.
We talk about which kinds of person you are this afternoon, an early bird or a night owl.
One night, my father told me there is a small bird standing on the wire outside my window.
As a nocturnal bird, the owl hunts mice and small birds at night.
One night a bat came and clung to the bars of the cage, and asked the bird why she was silent by day and sang only at night.
Yinyang Fish eyes of time bird, indicates that time elapses quickly with alternation of day and night, the new and the old.
Surrounding by forest; the air vibrates to the sound of bird calls and as night falls the engine drone of the Sicarders.
To this day bats live in caves, hanging upside down. And because they don't want to meet Bird or Rat, they come out only at night to hunt for food.
One night a bat came. He asked the bird why she was silent by day and sang only at night.
The next night my dream is similar to the previous nights, but without the hunter. I fly free until Imeet another bird who flies with me in perfect harmony.
Last night, I became a small bird. People didn't see me. Because I am Invisible.
Last night, I had a good dream, in the dream, I became a bird, flying in the sky.
I could not see clearly in the darkness last night, so I thought you were just an ordinary, darkish little bird. But your true color... it is a brilliant shade of blue.
At this moment, a night bird is leading the poet setting off along ta warm road, warm amniotic fluids.
Rock used to be a night bird but since he married a year ago, he has become a family man.
A bird was confined in a cage outside a window. She often sang at night when all the other birds were asleep.
A singing bird was confined in a cage which hung outside a window, and had a way of singing at night when all other birds were asleep.
Soon as bird gently, title to a ray of dawn, or flipping a blind corner of a faded silent night heavy.
Flying is not a bird, like a rat is not a rat. During the day hiding the dark, night to catch insects.
From outside came the occasional cry of a night-bird, and once at our very window a long drawn catlike whine, which told us that the cheetah was indeed at liberty.
From outside came the occasional cry of a night-bird, and once at our very window a long drawn catlike whine, which told us that the cheetah was indeed at liberty.