As a group, "night owl" types tend to eat less healthy food and take in more calories overall than early risers.
I stopped being such a night owl and started getting up an hour before my kids.
While it's true we all have varying predispositions to being either a "night owl," or a "morning person." But, it is possible to boost your morning energy, with a few simple strategies.
I don't go to Sanlitun that often, as I'm not much of a night owl.
It tells time in analog and digital formats, packs a night-light, and, for the rare little night owl, a snooze button.
Will companies one day have to accommodate their night-owl employees?
Now, let me first say that if you are a night owl, and that works for you, I think that’s great. There’s no reason to change, especially if you’re happy with it.
If you live with a night owl who hasn't the slightest interest in changing his or her sleeping schedule, ask for a bit of slack and no noise when they finally do go to bed.
He's still a night owl, completing paperwork (or calling friends) until 1:30 a.m.some nights.
The hoot owl continued its call in the distance, and the night breeze rustled the leaves in the trees.
Owl has long been associated with seeing into the dark, or in other terms "night vision".
One night, a huge storm woke bluebird. The wind blew hard. Bluebird fell from her branch. Owl sped to grab her.
This one night, I heard they have to start with the old voles waste food, owl family immediately held an emergency meeting to study the operational plan to eliminate old voles.
John becomes a night owl every time the examination is coming. However, this is not a good way to learn.
All day, Bluebird ate bugs. All night, Owl hunted mice.
We talk about which kinds of person you are this afternoon, an early bird or a night owl.
On the night before the inevitable battle, an owl, symbol of their protective goddess Athena , was seen flying through the night sky.
So why can the night owl so unmistakably predatory vole? It is also necessary to talk about its special body structure.
But for me, switching from being a night owl to an early riser (and yes, it is possible) has been a godsend.
The owl whose night-bound eyes are blind unto the day cannot unveil the mystery of light.
My friend Nina often burns the midnight oil and goes to bed at daybreak. She's a night owl.
The result also hints that perhaps the right kind of photopigment is all that's needed for humans to get owl-like night vision, or to see ultraviolet colours.
As a nocturnal bird, the owl hunts mice and small birds at night.
We all know how well owls see at night. Hills, hillocks, precipices-all these our owl distinguished as if it had been daylight.
I looked around. It was the man with owl-eyed glasses whom I had found marvelling over Gatsby's books in the library one night three months before.
Now, let me first say that if you are a night owl, and that works for you, I think that's great.
So I think if she could change one thing about me, she'd probably make me into a night owl, too, so that I'd be available during many of the same hours she likes to work.
So I think if she could change one thing about me, she'd probably make me into a night owl, too, so that I'd be available during many of the same hours she likes to work.