In the same way that the menu offers traditional drinks, the food as well brings the classic dishes of the São Paulo night-life delicately re-elaborated with a creative contemporary touch.
The glitzy night-life district into which I was deposited was all big, loud clubs (i.e., not my scene), and I resented the expensively dressed youngsters who moved so easily through the neon alleys.
One of its main advantages is that you are at the centre of things, and that life doesn't come to an end at half-past nine at night.
Adapted from Milan Trenc's novel, the film Night at the Museum brings to life a world where dinosaurs wander the earth.
A noisy neighbor can make life challenging, especially if noise goes well into night, or happens during early morning hours.
All night long you must sing to me, and my thorn must pierce your heart, and your life-blood must flow into my veins, and become mine.
It was open all night, had great coffee and fruit pie, and was full of characters from New Haven's night life.
Currently, I'm building a new habit of making time for creativity each night and, once again, life feels fresh and brand new.
The beautiful architecture and vibrant night life are one face of the city, but cities also have problems of inequality, crowding and poverty.
Climbing the 343 steps back up to my cottage, I reminded myself that, bonvivant though Byron was, he didn’t come to Switzerland for the night life.
The fundamental questions we're trying to answer are questions humanity has asked ever since we first gazed into the night sky: What is life and could it exist out there beyond Earth?
With its hot sun and gay night life, San Francisco is a fine place to live in or to visit.
I did read a few books - something that has been lost in the fabric of my other life - but only at night.
When you never forget to kiss each other good night, you create a life raft, and you can't float away so quickly because you acknowledge each other, pause, connect and express your love.
After one such evening, she tells her mother she had the best night of her life. She says it matter-of-factly, the way an intelligent teenager might if it were true.
Sources said he had suffered a number of very serious head injuries and there was grave concern for his life last night.
"I was sent to bed at seven every night of my life when I was a child," said Aunt Mary Maria.
I will never forget that day, that day me and my classmates have a laugh, sing, the night life was the most pleasant memories.
Our friendly and local staff are only to happy to show you where the hip and exciting Sydney night life is!
That steadiness was evident in the Atacama region of Chile, where there is little night life to compete with the twinkling sky after dark.
The purpose and function of the city night environment are to provide space for citizens' night life.
Maybe twelve was the beginning of their night life for the guys who came in now.
For those that are familiar with the night life here, they know all too well that it is hard to plan an evening out on in Taipei without someone mentioning going to a KTV.
Melbourne has some of Australia's best shopping and night life establishments, and therefore become Australia's fashion leaders.
That's what my wife really loves about my night life, and that's what she least worries about me when she is away from me in another city.
Another that is very interesting, in terms of night life, is that cultural activities that are usually like in the day, but you can enjoy them at night.
Another that is very interesting, in terms of night life, is that cultural activities that are usually like in the day, but you can enjoy them at night.