It isn't a nine-to-five job. It's 24/7.
He's not nine-to-five and he likes risk.
I have got into the groove of a nine-to-five job. I would like to have a change.
If you just want to keep a stable nine-to-five job, does it mean you are not ambitious?
If you just want to keep a stable nine-to-five job, does it mean you are not ambitious?
If one day, a nine-to-five, or the workaholic overtime every night and suddenly talking about love.
My advice to women in general: Even if you're doing a nine-to-five job, treat yourself like a boss.
We must conclude from this survey that the traditional nine-to-five working day does not suit the majority.
Five years ago, when I had a nine-to-five job, I commuted to work — two to three hours to the office, four to five hours home.
For example, before starting my own business, I tried to fit into the nine-to-five office world even though it made me miserable.
He must bid farewell to the nine-to-five job at Standard Telephones and Cables, up the A379 in Paignton, and hit the more open road.
Although Nine-to-five is generally thought of as the work day, many jobs are performed when Nine-to-five personnel are off the job.
Both Clare and Doris are majoring in sociology. Now they are talking about the investigation that they are doing on "Beyond Nine-to-five".
Cubicle-bound Taylor has a camo-clad hottie waiting at the end of the longest nine-to-five workday ever, so forget all those judgmental elevator passengers.
Actually, it's a nine-to-five job with a pleasant working environment and high salary, so people don't need to work overtime and to worry about the living cost.
Look on the bright side though: it can \ 't be a nine-to-five one because, as science students will be able to calculate, this leaves no time for attending lectures.
This was an economic version of an open marriage where one party gets to have all the fun and the other worked nine-to-five and came home too exhausted for whoopee.
"At the age of 10 you get up and go to school and it fits in with our nine-to-five lifestyle," Kelley said. "When you are about 55 you also settle into the same pattern."
I, like any regular non-famous person, work my buns off Monday through Friday at my nine-to-five office job, and now that the weekend's almost here, it's time to do something fun.
No matter how exhausted you are at your nine-to-five, the promise of two full days set aside for socializing, sleeping in, and brunching in the afternoon always looms on the horizon.
The monotony of nine-to-five, the fear of losing face if the other colleagues appear busy, and the experience that hard work has not been recognized... Forget all these far-fetched excuses.
I experimented myself. and I found out that when looking for nine-to-five roles. I liked all management positions because they offered flexibility. travel. high profile contacts and decision making.
The problem was that I barely knew anything about 3D printing, and I had only nine months to figure out how to print five fashionable looks.
So, if your hours are nine to five, make sure you're at your desk at nine and at least until five.
Aim for five to nine daily servings of all kinds of fruits and vegetables—especially these six superstars.
And the business practices of England's lineal descendant, America, will have you in the office from nine in the morning to five in the evening, if not longer.
I want to get married, I want to marry men of a stable temperament, our respective to and from work, over the lives of nine to five.
I want to get married, I want to marry men of a stable temperament, our respective to and from work, over the lives of nine to five.