Five no-trump announced that all four ACES and the king-queen of hearts were held and expressed interest in a grand slam. Six hearts denied a side-suit king.
5nt显示联手持有全部的4个A以及HKQ,以及大满贯兴趣,6 H则是否认有边花k。
No wonder Carr finds technology oppressive. Its needs trump ours! We're just cells, and the organism's the main thing.
Frankly, your resume was no better or worse than any of the other applicants... but your Trump hair put you over the top.
In this regard, we are no longer carrying Ivanka Trump branded merchandise on our website, but are continuing to offer the brand at our flagship stores.
In this regard, we are no longer carrying Ivanka Trump branded merchandise on our website, but are continuing to offer the brand at our flagship stores.