This is definitely not good news for locusts, but the fungus has no effect on other life forms.
My family is definitely not on the same schedule My wife, loves her bed, however I have noticed that she can no longer have a lie in at the weekend like she used to do.
If you feel tired to the point of losing visual focus, you should definitely not be operating heavy machinery - no matter what.
No; but you either need not to be worried about the direct cost, or confident that your strategy is definitely going to pay off in the medium and long terms.
As one commenter wrote: 'The only regret I have is not starting sooner to have kids because I had no idea I'd love being a mom as much as I do and I would have definitely had a third if not a fourth.
No, SOA is definitely not equal to the sum of the technologies used to implement or realize SOA.
Their parents comforted them, saying, "Don't worry about it. No matter what, his relatives and friends will definitely not come."
A ballet dancer? A ballet dancer dances at the theatre. No, definitely not a ballet dancer.
What is going on here is definitely not "no till." it could just as well be called "more till."
Since literally, no one is perfect, that means you're not either, so you definitely have at least one thing to own up to.
No, definitely not. I thought the paper was terrible. I haven't got a hope of getting through.
Showing off a little humour might not always be a bad thing but being rude to the interviewer is definitely a big no-no.
If I use this spirit in learning will definitely leaps and bounds, unfortunately, I can not do this forever in learning the extent of success is really no retreat also very lucky!
It may be a cake walk to hire one in no time, but, definitely not when you have to make sure the genuineness of the company which is a must.
Elisabeth: no, not at all. Afternoon tea means tea, perhaps sandwiches and definitely cakes around 4.
If you need to send someone, you will definitely send someone, no matter whether the tax regime is high or not.
Without enough teachers the education in this area is definitely a problem; no one can argue that it is not serious.
One night of bad sleep-or no sleep-can definitely make you feel awful the next day, but if you're consistently tired or feel sleepy during the day, sleep might not be the issue.
Earthquake, disaster, accident, cancer, etc., that come and no one could be overcome, is definitely not planning to life.
However, this by no means all of Yangshuo, Yangshuo is definitely not the only West Street, Moon Hill and Big Banyan tree.
You said, oh, no, it's definitely not yesterday, and I realized how long you were not with me. How painful it was.
No, there are some groups, but I'm definitely not (an active participant(laughs)
TIGER WOODS: Sitting here, not that nervous, no. As far as getting out there, I was definitely more nervous. That first tee, I didn't know what to expect, I really didn't, Steve.
TIGER WOODS: Sitting here, not that nervous, no. As far as getting out there, I was definitely more nervous. That first tee, I didn't know what to expect, I really didn't, Steve.