There is no implied warranty as to the nationality of a shipper that her nationality shall not be changed during the risk.
There is no implied warranty as to the nationality of a ship, or that her nationality shall not be changed during the risk.
NO other warranty is expressed or implied including warranties or merchantability and fitness for any particular purpose.
We make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, that any products advertised, bought or sold is of merchantable quality and fit for any particular purpose.
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ZUJI 概无就电子现金券作出任何明示或暗示的保证,包括惟不限于任何明示或暗示是否适合购买或是否适合作特定用途的保证。
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No warranty or representation, express or implied, is given as to the accuracy or completeness of that information.
SNC makes no warranty expressed or implied; that Bid and Ask Prices shown represent prevailing bid and ask prices in the interbank market.
We reasonably believe that the information contained herein is accurate as at the date of publication but no warranty (express or implied) or guarantee is given as to accuracy.
We reasonably believe that the information contained herein is accurate as at the date of publication but no warranty (express or implied) or guarantee is given as to accuracy.