Yet cyber warfare is no laughing matter.
As Mark Twain observed, a German joke is no laughing matter.
Making late payments is no laughing matter for smaller companies.
This competitor may be smiling, but the challenge is no laughing matter.
Whether those involved are doing it for a joke or not, this is no laughing matter.
Trademark suits, in other words, may be humorous at times, but they are no laughing matter.
EXAMPLE: If I lose my job, it will be no laughing matter because no one will hire me during this weak economy.
In one case a child was followed. Whether those involved are doing it for a joke or not, this is no laughing matter.
I quickly realized, however, that the first three months of my two-year national service would be no laughing matter.
Entropy is no laughing matter, however, because with every increase in entropy energy is wasted and opportunity is lost.
This is no laughing matter, and tending to the needs of the departed is one of a family's biggest social responsibilities.
Meet Babe, the pig who was born with not one but two snouts. And while it might sound like a joke, it's no laughing matter.
I've no idea whether these agents might include laughing gas or bad odours, but it certainly sounds like no laughing matter.
It still seems like an absurdly extreme overreaction, but deciding what to eat and feed your family in China is no laughing matter.
The voting for "least funny" nationality confirmed the view of American novelist Mark Twain that "a German joke is no laughing matter. "
It's all very well smirking at the irony of people unable to putt, serve or park, but anyone who has suffered insomnia knows it's no laughing matter.
Carol: That's no laughing matter. That means she'll have to take the whole course again. I can't believe she's going to have to start from square one.
Superstitions are no laughing matter in Romania -the land of the medieval ruler who inspired the "Dracula" tale -and have been part of its culture for centuries.
I will let you know that is false information. Fireworks are no small matter, and no laughing matter either. So wipe that smirk off your face and listen up.
Rosicky is grinning, displaying a keen understanding of Arsenal-Chelsea relations. He is in jovial mood, but his last couple of years at Dortmund were no laughing matter.
And a new study shows that biochar could have an impact on agriculture's other greenhouse gas emission: nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, which is no laughing matter when it comes to climate change.
It's the overall great feeling you have sparked in her that will keep her laughing, no matter what you come up with.
It's the overall great feeling you have sparked in her that will keep her laughing, no matter what you come up with.