When Young met my mother for the first time, less than a year earlier, he told her we were having fun but that there would be "no cottage, no marriage, and certainly no babies".
Use no more than two different fonts — one for headings another for content and no less than a 30 pt font so that people at the back of the room can read them easily.
In one crucial respect, the bubble in commercial property was less dangerous than in the residential sector: there was no development boom and hence no oversupply.
They are no longer financially dependent on the rest of the world, but have large foreign-exchange reserves—no less than three-quarters of the global total.
Writing in the London Times, Caitlin Moran noted: "no black artists, no gay artists, no world music, only one woman, no genre less than 25 years old, and no Beatles."
The people who treat me unfairly are no more worthy and no less worthy than any other human being.
The number of worker threads is three times your number of CPUs, but it's no less than 5 and no larger than 30.
A waiter is required to change a customer's hot towel no less than four times and no more than six times (if the customer has no special requirements).
I refrained from pointing out that no less a literary light than Samuel Johnson had said, “No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money.”
Your article should be no less than 1200 words and no more than 8000 words.
What we know of energy and feel as emotion is no more, and no less, than the outcome of our intention.
Although there are no less than six mouse coordinates property pairs, there is no reliable cross-browser way to find the mouse coordinates relative to the document we need.
Holding the body on the side produces no more or no less drag resistance than holding it prone in crawl or backstroke.
The duration of a performance routine is no more than 2 minutes and no less than one (1) minute.
They should be located no less than 6 m, and no further than 50 m, from any house.
Less than disinfection no specification, no business license of medical institutions and clinics treating the tooth tooth extraction.
Your paper should be no less than 1.5 pages long and no more than 3 pages long (not counting the Works Cited page).
Birth order, they found, had no effect on personality: first-borns were no more, nor less, likely than their younger sibs to be conscientious, extrovert or neurotic.
Physical health: no less than 1 PE class and no less than 1.5 hours of exercise time are arranged each day in the school.
People who drank more than two, but no more than four, cups of coffee a day had about a 20% lower risk of heart disease than people who drank more or less coffee or no coffee at all.
No no, I just changed my eating habits. I eat a balanced meal. and I eat less than before.
Please answer 3 of the 5 questions below - with no less than 3 pages each question and no more than 7 - double space, reasonable margins.
No more different, no less different than they are today compared with the way our globe and our lives were in 1972.
Aviation 3-year or 4-year college education background with no less than 3-year aircraft component maintenance experience (including no less than 2 years on Avionics component).
Aviation 3-year or 4-year college education background with no less than 3-year aircraft component maintenance experience (including no less than 2 years on Avionics component).