The team behind the article and video in question make no mention of the system, or whether or not it detected them.
The team behind the article and video in question make no mention of the system, or whether or not in detected them.
The DPJ's manifesto for the upper-house elections bore no mention of the levy.
But in his brief comments at the White House, he made no mention of any punitive action.
Notice there is no mention of carbohydrates, they are an "eat only if you have to" food.
Notice there is no ESB shown in Figure 4 and no mention of the ESB in the related discussion.
Notice that there can be no mention of the screen or the tuner, because these are internal system elements.
Note that the small ebook provides a much larger list. There is no mention of precise amounts or quantities.
There is no mention of pricing on the site, but it seems that there will be a premium version in the future.
Instead you get entirely different concurrent programming models that include no mention of threads or locks.
Bouygues sa's accounts for 1988 make no mention of the involvement of SCDM or the brothers in this "transaction".
Note that until now I have made no mention of the origins of the thread whose call stack was depicted in Figure 1.
注意,直到现在我还没有提到图 1 中描述的调用堆栈的线程起源。
Whereas his inaugural address made no mention of Banks or the financial sector, these appeared often in this week's speech.
You’ll notice in these steps that there is no mention of generating or manually editing any type of router configuration file.
If no mention of gender was made before the test was administered, there was no difference in the results between males and females.
However, most of his time was spent dealing with anxious or dissatisfied parents and ill-behaved boys. (No mention of naughty girls).
Besides, our histories of six thousand moons make no mention of any other regions, than the two great empires of Lilliput and Blefuscu.
They claim they are progressing on signing a striker and a midfielder, but curiously there was no mention of a defender to replace Jones.
No mention of what sort of maths, no mention of the relevance of the maths or the robustness of the resulting models. Just "we need more maths."
But there was no mention of Abdelbasset al-Megrahi, the Lockerbie bomber, who was freed by Scotland last month and is dying from prostate cancer.
不过庆典中没人提到洛克比空难制造者Abdelbasset al - Megrahi的名字,al - Megrahi因即将死于前列腺癌而于上月被苏格兰方面释放。
Last month, Baby Einstein announced the new refunds - or "enhanced consumer satisfaction guarantee" - but made no mention of the lawyers' demands.
It is important to note that Mr. Boston's 50th Anniversary Official Bartender's Guide published in 1984 makes no mention of the Cosmopolitan cocktail.
In these early stories, there was no love interest from Maid Marion, no link to Richard I, no mention of the resistance versus the Norman Conquest.
At dinner, I made polite, boring talk at the table - no mention of our past, of my feelings, of what was really on my mind. I was in Straight Steve mode.
There was no mention of all the other characteristics that we would identify as a disciple, only that she was full of good works and helped the poor.
MIIT declined to comment when contacted by China Real Time on Monday and has so far made no mention of any potential charges for WeChat on its website.
MIIT declined to comment when contacted by China Real Time on Monday and has so far made no mention of any potential charges for WeChat on its website.