It's quite simple: a PowerPoint presentation should have ten slides, last no more than twenty minutes, and contain no font smaller than thirty points.
These families will be asked to pay no more than ten percent of their income for college.For example, a family earning one hundred twenty thousand dollars would pay about twelve thousand a year.
There is no inherent benefit of subliminal advertising over regular advertising, any more than there would be in seeing a flash of a commercial instead of the full twenty seconds.
More than twenty chief clerks told him in different ways that they were sorry but that there were no vacancies.
Hotels range from very small, sometimes with no more than ten to twenty rooms to extremely large, luxury hotels with hundreds of rooms.
旅馆有从很小、有时不超过10 ~20个房间到非常大、非常豪华的拥有几百间客房的旅馆。
With every year these children from Mars will be born more and more on Earth. In our city there will be no fewer than twenty.
With every year these children from Mars will be born more and more on Earth. In our city there will be no fewer than twenty.