No promises anymore, " he added."
No promises, but do not let us leave with regret, I would like for you to stay.
I don't want to run away, I want to stay forever, thru Time and Time... No promises.
Don't buy the promises, 'cause there are no promises I keep, and my reflection troubles me.
My mother made no promises but said, "And... action!" -like she'd seen in the movies, I supposed.
In contrast to a loan or bond, a share certificate contains no promises that its issuer may fail to keep.
NOTE: I make no promises whatsoever about the performance, accuracy, or completeness of the prototype code!
Yes, this has been under consideration for some time now and has not yet been ruled out. No promises though.
They came to America with little more than a dream. There was no money, no friends, no car, no home…and no promises.
Note that I made no promises. : These are all just things we are discussing. The eventual solutions could end up different.
The best thing about the service is, there is nothing to lose as there are no promises or charges during the quoting process.
Party A can rent the house in another way while Party B can also make no promises for the prospects of this being entrusted one.
I don't want to know what future brings, all I want is to be here with you. Our love needs no promises. It is but a feeling we all share!
This argument looks weaker. The Norwegians and New Zealanders seem to have persuaded the financial markets that they are making no promises.
The old semantics of volatile only made promises about the visibility of the variable being read or written, and no promises about other variables.
RIM's statement appears to make no promises to the millions of BlackBerry users worldwide who are contracted directly to a mobile-telecoms operator.
It has no shackles, no promises and contains the principle of nature soaring up and disappearing, therefore, Won Namgoong's works can be described by delightful excitement in the world.
In other words, this means that the old memory model made promises only about the visibility of the variable being read or written, and no promises about the visibility of writes to other variables.
There were no nonsensical promises about reviving the economy.
No one will believe those promises because they know that later it will not be in your interest to deliver those promises.
No one will believe those promises because they know that later it will not be in your interest to deliver.
Irish and European officials have given firm promises that there would be no such haircut for current holders of most senior bonds.
The growing health and education sectors, with highly specific skills requirements, can absorb only so many workers per year, and no other sector promises consistent employment growth.
Ignoring the Ring missteps, there’s no dissing her smouldering turns in Mulholland Dr., 21 Grams and Eastern Promises.
Fannie and Freddie permitted lenders to make such promises at no risk because the companies had already obtained commitments from investors.
Fannie and Freddie permitted lenders to make such promises at no risk because the companies had already obtained commitments from investors.