No questions were asked and no service rendered.
This is your room key. The rate is RMB 498 for one night, no service charge.
Above are the Nett Charges. There will be no service charge and no surcharge.
But there was no service to look up the thing that matters most to us - people.
There is no service charge on the debit card, but each ATM transaction costs one dollar.
He needs no bulky pile of raw material, no elaborate apparatus, no service of men or animals.
I went to the local train station to only find out that all the trains had stopped and there was no service.
There is no virus definition database that needs to be updated regularly, no subscription, and no service agreement.
After vibration time gets to certain value, delaying vibration time again is of no service to more compaction of sand.
My first implementation used no service locator; the beans performed all of the JNDI code themselves. Here are the two toString 's I got.
In today's Internet, there is no service-level guarantee and no way to purchase the right to move data through the Internet at a fixed pace.
No service contract existed or has been proposed between the Company or any of its subsidiaries with any of the above Directors or Supervisors.
Thus, when life seems full and absolute, and men, out of an all-consuming faith, are resigned to their destinies, novels perform no service at all.
If there is no matching IBM Cognos 8 service available, the request will fail with an error stating that there is no service available to handle that type of request.
The same reviewer gavethe pair a proper savaging in a newspaper: “Economists who sign their names todrivel of this sort do no service to the profession they represent.”
This stage includes two kinds of conditions: the customer and our company re-sign an after-sales service contract and there is no service contract after the guarantee period.
Even if WLM is not explicitly used (that is, no service classes are defined by the database administrator), all user transactions are executed within the context of the predefined service class.
There is, however, no dearth of technological resources, rather, managers in the service sector fail to take advantage of widely available skills and machines.
The money is no different since we pay students the same amount for any of the jobs here in food service, so it's up to you.
After an employee has 25 years of service, there is no further accrual of benefits.
One additional service not discussed so far is the ability to archive and prune old instances that may no longer be required.
"There is no need to rush," said Angela Raffle, a specialist in cervical cancer screening with the National Health Service in Britain.
I am writing to tell you that we were quite disappointed with your service. We had booked a table, but when we went there at the time as arranged, only to be told there were no seats available.
我想写信告诉你,我们对你的服务非常失望。 我们已经预订了一张桌子,但是当我们按预定的时间去那里的时候,却被告知没有座位了。
Does he have to walk to school when there's no bus service?
Does he have to walk to school when there's no bus service?