If you have no time for play, you can also appreciate humorous and jocular entertainment events at dining time together or have a rest through live broadcast.
One in four Los Angeles teachers reported there was no time at all for "free play."
Yet this beacon, if found guilty, should play no more cricket for a long time, if ever.
[color=#333333][font=Times New Roman]KIDS these days do nothing but play mindless video games, leaving no time for constructive toys like those their grandparents loved.
Speaking up for him this week, his former coach, an Australian, called Mr Amir a “shining light of hope”. Yet this beacon, if found guilty, should play no more cricket for a long time, if ever.
You always work too hard, Jim. As the saying goes, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. You should spare some time for a rest.
I didn't touch his head, no beat him on the head? She said: "when the time comes to play silly, you have him for a lifetime, and fan your elder sister go to!" this is a mother? Teach a small to large.
I've had no time to prepare for this meeting, so I'll have to play it by ear.
I've had no time to prepare for this meeting, so I'll have to play it by ear.
All work and no play will make you a very dull lover. Put a little time aside for fun or the person eyeing you is likely to lose interest.
All work and no play will make you a very dull lover. Put a little time aside for fun or the person eyeing you is likely to lose interest.