With an understanding of Generics, you can see that there should be no reason to replace the type arguments in this block of code with the typical 't' found in Generics.
基于对泛型的了解,你可以发现没有理由不在这段代码里替换类型参数为泛型里典型的'T '。
The house is no darker than it was on Bahnhofstrasse, but the windows are so dusty that you can`t see anything inside the rooms, not even the curtains; it looks blind.
That um, these two people they have got differents towards one issue and maybe one of them will say no I can 't, I can't agree with you and I can't stay with you any longer. so let's break up.
Look, I "m not going to argue with you any more - no, you can" t use the car tonight!
Look, I "m not going to argue with you any more - no, you can" t use the car tonight!