While listening,you can nod your head to show you in favor of his/ her views.
In China, to greet someone, you nod your head, or you bow slightly.
Nod your head or give some other clue that you are hearing what is being said.
Really think about that for a moment before you just nod your head and read on.
Say the words with the speaker. Nod your head slightly as you say the stressed syllables.
Nod your head; yes we recognize that's not good English writing style in contemporary America.
Nod your head as they make their points to show them you are engaged and to reinforce that you are listening.
Would you like to devote your time to support the Game?if you nod your head, how do you prepare to be a qualified volunteer?
And things can get very confusing if you nod your head at people in Greece, Turkey or Bulgaria, as to some this actually means no.
Make eye contact, nod your head, respond verbally (things like "okay" or "MHMM"), restate what they've said back to them, and ask thoughtful questions.
Make eye contact, nod your head, respond verbally (things like "okay" or "MHMM"), restate what they've said back to them, and ask thoughtful questions.
Dr Neave explains that humans move in three planes. You can nod your head backwards and forwards, side to side or twist your neck to look over a shoulder.
For example, when listening to a spouse or child, you should nod your head or say, "I understand," which conveys to the other person that you care about what he or she has to say.
The study found that if you nod your head, even if you do it on purpose, you become more confident about your own thoughts, and if you shake it, you become less confident about them.
那个研究的发现结果是,如果你点头(即使你是故意点头的),你会更加坚定自己的想法; 如果你摇头,你对自己的想法就会有所动摇。
No. The study found that if you nod your head, even if you do it on purpose, you become more confident about your own thoughts, and if you shake it, you become less confident about them.
You might nod, shake your head, or raise your eyebrows. Adjust your posture accordingly.
Show you're listening by your nonverbal communication. You might nod, shake your head, or raise your eyebrows. Adjust your posture accordingly. Make eye contact.
Raise your head, straighten your backbone always. When meeting irrelevant person, nod and smile over your pass.
Raise your head, straighten your backbone always. When meeting irrelevant person, nod and smile over your pass.