This node type represents JCRWiki entries.
这个节点类型表示 JCRWiki 的条目。
Determines the types that the current Node type is based upon.
There is one method -- visit() and endVisit() -- for each node type.
The following table lists the principal node type for the various axes.
This node type represents images and other binary content in a JCRWiki entry.
For example, a video module can create a new node type based on a vanilla node.
This data includes the node type, title, teaser, body, creator, and creation time.
Any node type not listed in the table is not a valid node type to set a value on.
So, in the example below, we have a function that checks the node type of the next sibling node.
在下面的案例中,我们将书写一个用于检测下一个同属节点的 节点类型的函数。
If these conditions are met, Drupal starts to assemble a form required to add a node of this node type.
The matched function is like our prior visitor functions but takes a node type to search for at the beginning.
Under these we add the terms identifying the node type names of content that will appear within these Web site sections.
The entire node type hierarchy can be found in section of the JSR-170 specifications (see Resources for a link).
整个节点类型的结构可以在JSR- 170规范的6.7.22.1小节找到(请参阅参考资料获得链接)。
This function is constructed from the current theme's name and the name of the content, or node type, that is being themed.
NodeType is an integer representing the node type — for example, 2 for an attribute node and 7 for a processing instruction.
Similar to the ClassificationTaxonomy type, the Node type can contain other language variants for the name and comment elements.
It is then simply a matter of adding the properly-named properties to an nt: resource node type, which holds the actual file data.
A primary node type defines the characteristics of the node, such as the properties and child nodes that the node is allowed to have.
Every repository must support the primary node type, nt: base. There are a number of other common node types that a repository may support.
The core of the listing is the defnode macro that takes a node type and a vector of field names, and creates a constructor function for creating maps of that type.
If you want to theme a node of a specific type, you make a copy the node.tpl.php file and change the filename to node -.tpl.php, where is the name of the node type.
如果希望对特定类型的节点进行主题化,那么要复制node. tpl .php文件并将文件名改为node - . tpl . php,其中的是节点类型的名称。
First, Drupal checks to determine whether the node type in the URL path exists and, if it exists, if the user making this request has the authority to create a new node.
As shown in Figure 3, we'll name this vocabulary IBC, enable it for the Announcement node type, enable a Single hierarchy, and allow Multiple select of terms for a given node.
如图3所示,我们将这个词汇表命名为IBC,为An nouncement节点类型启用它,启用Single层次结构,并允许给定的节点进行词汇的Multipleselect。
Now as the concept of the logistics park and the logistics center are severely confused, the method of the qualitative analysis is mostly adopted to ascertain logistics node type.
Node types are returned as integers, and allow you to handle each node appropriately; an element (type 1) has a name, but no value, whereas a text node (type 3) has a value but no name.
To select the appropriate node, a name test selects only those nodes whose name matches the specified name and whose node type matches the principal node type of the specified axis.
Saxon's strategy is therefore to separate rules into two kinds: specific rules, where the node type and name are explicitly specified in the pattern, and general rules, where they aren't.
The package path of these element and attribute classes is dependent on the namespace of the XML node, whose naming is composed by use of the namespace, local name, and node type (see listing 2).
When the pattern is deployed, each of the parts in the pattern results in the creation of a virtual machine containing the WebSphere Application Server node type represented by the part (Figure 2).
When the pattern is deployed, each of the parts in the pattern results in the creation of a virtual machine containing the WebSphere Application Server node type represented by the part (Figure 2).