He is currently a Senior Advisor at Terra Firma, as well as a Non-Executive Director of DTZ Plc.
Over the past 30 years, I have been appraised three dozen times - as banker, journalist and non-executive director.
It is understood that shareholders have been urgently contacting Andrew Gould, Rio's senior non-executive director, to register their concern.
Mr Nasser has been on the board of BHP Billiton since 2006 as a non-executive director and is a member of the board's risk and audit committee.
This means that the cross-reaction of the stock equity concentration degree and the non-executive director ratio are negatively correlated to the company performance.
The resumes of the chief executive and finance director are the ones that matter: big name non-executives cannot compensate for weak executive managers who are actually running the business.
The resumes of the chief executive and finance director are the ones that matter: big name non-executives cannot compensate for weak executive managers who are actually running the business.