The proportions of flavin, non-heme iron and labile sulphide in the eluate was found to be 1: (8~10) :10.
High levels of heme iron in the diet raised the risk of developing gall stones by 21 percent, whereas high levels of non-heme iron seemed to have no effect.
The researchers evaluated dietary levels of heme and non-heme iron and the risk of gallstones in 44,758 U. S. men participating in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study from 1986 to 2002.
A heme (HEM) is a multi-atom, non-proteinaceous organic structure capable of positioning an iron (FE) ion in its center.
亚铁血红素 (HEM)是一个多原子、非蛋白质的有机结构,能够将一个铁 (FE)离子置于其中心。
Try also eat foods high in Vitamin c, which greatly improves the absorption of that non-heme plant iron.
Try also eat foods high in Vitamin c, which greatly improves the absorption of that non-heme plant iron.