The procedure can return null or non-null values.
If all child Pointers are non-null, then it's a 4-node.
Thread 2 sees that instance is non-null, and returns it.
These non-null Pointers to entry points implement the xa_ routines.
这些指向入口点的非空指针可实现xa _例程。
When we encounter a non-null node, we record the node's value.
As a result, instance is now non-null and refers to a valid Singleton object.
For example, the default invariant condition for a field requires the field to be non-null.
Some generate code such that instance becomes non-null only after the constructor executes.
Note: You should check that this view is non-null and of an appropriate type before using.
在使用过程中如果不能正确的进行细节处理那么对性能还是有很大的损耗的。 。
This method contains a redundant check of a known non-null value against the constant null.
Usually, this is the case — the last non-null character is a newline — but it's not required.
Else, it goes through the binding vector array looking for a non-NULL pointer to binding handle.
Click on CustomerRecord , and you will see a non-null value appear as the value in the parameters area.
The group within the non-null links section is itself fairly hairy, though with good reason (Listing 12).
If a page action method invocation returns a non-null string value, Seam treats it as a navigation event.
Objective:The matched-pair design is generalized to the situation with non-null hypothesis and stratification.
Note that when the second thread enters the synchronized block, it does not check to see if instance is non-null.
For each non-NULL variable-length field, the record header contains the length of the column in one or two bytes.
If a row is returned from the database, the UserBean is populated with non-null user name and password member variables.
Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints.
It checks if the interface is specified and converts each non-NULL binding into tower representation before exporting.
For each document in the database that has name and amount fields with non-null values, a result row is created in the view.
Thread 1 then begins to execute the code at //4, making inst non-null but before the constructor for Singleton executes.
线程1然后开始执行 //4 处的代码,同时使inst为非 null,但在Singleton 的构造函数执行前。
The net effect is that a service constructor either returns a non-null instance of the requested service, or throws an exception;
The reason the idiom in Listing 3 is deficient is because obj is not guaranteed to be non-null after the body of the if block completes.
清单3中的风格不够好的原因在于,if块的主体结束之后ob j不一定是非空值。
This structure contains the resource manager's name, non-null pointers to the resource manager's entry points, a flag, and version number.
The problem with this line of code is that the variable instance can become non-null before the body of the Singleton constructor executes.
In the quiescent state, the next field of the link node pointed to by the tail is always null; in the intermediate state, it is always non-null.
It is transitive: for any non-null reference values x, y, and z, if x.equals (y) returns true and y.equals (z) returns true, then x.equals (z) should return true.
具有传递性:对于任何非空的参考值x、y和z,如果x.e quals (y)返回真值并且y.e quals (z)也返回真值,那么x.e quals (z)也应该返回真值。
It is transitive: for any non-null reference values x, y, and z, if x.equals (y) returns true and y.equals (z) returns true, then x.equals (z) should return true.
具有传递性:对于任何非空的参考值x、y和z,如果x.e quals (y)返回真值并且y.e quals (z)也返回真值,那么x.e quals (z)也应该返回真值。