But, the use of other non-nutritive or artificial sweeteners approved by the FDA is acceptable during pregnancy.
A non-nutritive sweetener, aspartame is approximately 200 times sweeter than sucrose, the accepted standard for sweetness.
Phytochemicals are non-nutritive plant substances that have disease-prevention properties and give each piece of produce its specific color.
According to doctors, the toxic compulsion is a rare medical condition, PICA, which causes an appetite for substances that are largely non-nutritive.
These sweeteners are considered safe in moderation so talk with your health care provider about how much non-nutritive sweetener is acceptable during pregnancy.
“It’s more a behavioral issue than a biological one, ” Dr. Popkin said. “Some people use non-nutritive sweeteners as a crutch; other use them to help create a healthy diet.”
Kinder Eggs, a popular European chocolate egg that contains a toy inside, is banned from importation into the United States because it contains a "non-nutritive object embedded in it."
Kinder Eggs, a popular European chocolate egg that contains a toy inside, is banned from importation into the United States because it contains a "non-nutritive object embedded in it."