He then appeals to the existence of a perfect God and a non deceiving God to justify reliance on his mental faculties and that just looks viciously circular.
As an example, Listing 2 can leverage the existence or non-existence of positional parameters to provide a helpful usage message if you specify no arguments.
In Tristan and Isolde, this release from life is achieved by the self-sacrificial love of a woman who is prepared to share her lover’s non-existence and unite with him in death.
To explain the fact that we've got free will, so the objection goes, we have to appeal to — we have to posit — the existence of a soul, something non-physical, something more than purely physical.
They hope in time to make the non-existence of appearance appear, for in that moment what we now take to be existence will be seen to be in truth only an outlying portion of the diabolic essence.
I was really fascinated by the appearance of a non-existent place that the Internet had the power to make real and give a semi-existence.
Perelman's theorem goes far beyond proving this "non-existence" claim, just as Wiles' theorem tells you much more than non-existence of integer solutions of certain equations.
Again, you may look upon life as an unprofitable episode, disturbing the blessed calm of non-existence.
Non technical managers – These people are considered the bane of most programmer’s existence.
Inevitably, Shenton's -argument forces him down all kinds of logical blind alleys - the non-existence of gravity, and his argument that most space exploration, and so the moon landings, are faked.
These issues, in tandem with the non-existence of a sound it governance approach, led to a crisis of credibility between business and it.
Starting from the definition of bankruptcy discharge, section one discusses the development from non-discharge to discharge in individual bankruptcy, and proposes the values of its existence.
From the existence or non-existence of an atomic fact we cannot infer the existence or non-existence of another.
Another of our non-winning favorites, this map shows a sample of 76,425 recognized species — just a fraction of the 5 to 100 million estimated life forms in existence.
This chapter start with non-State actors can constitute complicity in the crime of bribery start with the existence of two opposing views are discussed.
The property verification's phase determines the existence (or non-existence) of a property in a program.
It is therefore beyond our conceptions of good and evil, right and wrong, existence and non-existence.
In this paper, the existence of the optimal harvesting control for a class of non-linear population system is proved.
The picture presents the facts in logical space, the existence and non-existence of atomic facts.
The existence of atomic facts we also call a positive fact, their non-existence a negative fact.
The existence and non-existence of atomic facts is the reality.
At present, the existence of non-state-owned enterprises in China shows its inevitability and the rationality.
But only the moral special and the direct origin, the goal as well as the standard, is possibly for promote the zoology and botany that is the non-humanity existence benefit.
The results show that the existence of non-baryonic dark matter background influences seriousely the instability of a gravitational system.
The results show that the existence of non-baryonic dark matter background influences seriousely the instability of a gravitational system.