Nowadays the NGO(Non governmental organization), as a symbol of the rising of the civil society, is playing an increasingly important role.
CBA, the Chinese basketball Association, was established in June in 1956. It is a non-governmental organization in charge of basketball at national level.
The fellow society (an organization of people from the same birth place) was an important non-governmental organization in modern Shanghai.
The senior citizen association of Honghu fishery is a rural non-governmental organization, which its foundation was promoted by external force.
Kenya National AIDS Control Committee will be some non-governmental organizations, private companies and research institutions, funding, organization of their participation in this event.
Article 6 When a registration administrative organ investigates an illegal non-governmental organization, there shall be no less than two law enforcers, who shall show their certificates.
Article 4 the responsibility to ban an illegal non-governmental organization shall remain with the registration administrative organ at the locality of occurrence of the illegal act.
Since the function of the consumer-right-protection organization has been restricted by its official and half-official characteristics, it is necessary to transform it to non-governmental direction.
The International Olympic Committee is an international non-governmental non- Profit organization and the Creator of the Olympic Movement.
The International Olympic Committee is an international non-governmental non- Profit organization and the Creator of the Olympic Movement.