North Shore Pacific Grace Centre is a non profit making organization, serving the Chinese community on the North Shore.
The modern concept of industry in the broad sense includes some social businesses that are of non profit making nature, and education is just a business of this kind.
Non-profit-making networks refer to those serving the public interest which are not operated for making profits.
The World Community Grid is making technology available to public and non-profit organizations to use in humanitarian research.
What are the factors that can affect the change of both profit-making and non-profit making organization?
Then, in realistic operation, what kind of state is non-profit-making presented on earth in the private schools, and what is the social system background and realistic logic of this kind of state?
After Regulations on Third Party Liability Compulsory Insurance on Mobile Car (Draft) came out, its non-profit, non-loss making principle became a focus of discussion.
Citizens, state, enterprises and non-profit-making organizations are all benefit relatives of environmental resources and have the possibility to be the environmental accounting entity.
Engaging in profit-making public service seems to be the standard for defining a non-profitable hospital as an operator, but the law has no further provisions for what are the profit-making services.
Promoting management efficiency is always a big concern either to profit-making or non - profit-making organizations.
Science museum is non-profit-making association, It's also an important part of the science and the popularization of science .
How to determine the website is profit-making or non-business?
Meanwhile, we also support schools and non-profit making bodies in area of printing and designing.
The key characteristic of nonprofit organization is voluntary and non - profit - making and it playing an important role in offering social welfare in the developed country.
And if you see all the profits of the pharmaceutical companies and hospitals and all that, there are thousands of Non-profit-making institutions in this country.
T-P. is an original game studio which is aimed at making original and non-profit interactive fictions and visual novels.
The equal public goods of our country are closely connected with people's life. It is both profit making and non-profit making.
Theatredetour is a non-profit-making organisation. Members will not share the asset and properties of the theatre.
It tells the concept, characteristic of the non-profit-making accountant of economic organization mainly, make up the system and check and calculate the method basically.
The advertising Association is a non-profit making organisation that is unique in representing the mutual interests of the diverse UK advertising industry.
Such assistance is in the form of 50 or 100 per cent of the average of fees charged by non-profit making kindergartens.
There are two kinds of information services: for-profit and non-profit-making.
Guangzhou international art Space Station is a Sino-US co-founder of the artist's non-profit-making nature art institutions, as well as home of international artists.
This is a non-profit making current events or news Reporting, Criticism, and Review or commentary video in the form of edited videos.
本影片以剪辑影片的形式来报导或评论时事或新闻。本作品不是以盈利及商业为目的, 纯粹系一种个人意见或立场的表达或宣示。
It was founded in 1994 as a non-profit making association to represent and promote the textile rental services sector in Europe.
It was founded in 1994 as a non-profit making association to represent and promote the textile rental services sector in Europe.