Revenue expenditure is financed out of revenue receipts, both tax revenue and non tax revenue.
We worked out guidelines for improving management of non-tax revenue and a plan to bring it under budgetary management by 2011.
We will collect both tax and non-tax revenue in accordance with the law and to the fullest extent possible to ensure a steady increase in government revenue.
We need to administer taxes in accordance with the law, improve tax collection and management, and standardize management of non-tax revenue.
In the aspects of tax burden fair, it has resulted in the unfair between companies and non-companies, does not show the vertical fair principles of revenue, either.
Abstract: the non-tax revenue enters takes the financial revenue a constituent, has been since reform of the financial system one key and the difficulty.
Through the optimization of the tax system and the improvement of non-tax income system, the revenue structure will be more optimized.
Since the standard itself is a boundary, while the boundary is situated in the structures, thus, non - tax revenue and its management standards are inseparable from the boundary and structure.
Since the standard itself is a boundary, while the boundary is situated in the structures, thus, non - tax revenue and its management standards are inseparable from the boundary and structure.