For example, you can have several tabs on a page, and have all the non-selected tabs show some transparency to reinforce the fact that they aren't selected.
Probably the best argument against allowing collective bargaining for non-wage benefits is this: it reduces the transparency of the employer-employee bargain.
PNG is good option for transparency and non-lossy, smaller files.
The use of pure abstract C++ explicit interface classes worked against true service invocation transparency, because service clients on non-C++ systems required alternative interface definitions.
使用纯粹的抽象 C++显式接口类与真正的服务调用透明性是矛盾的,因为非 C++系统中的服务客户机需要备用的接口定义。
We endorse the proposals made by the OECD working with G20 members on the objective criteria to identify non-cooperative jurisdictions with respect to tax transparency.
The distributions of produced particles of the newest RHIC energy show the strongest non-uniform flow feature, which means the strongest transparency at the highest RHIC collision energy.
In almost every study on the non-profit sector that I'm giving, non-profits lack of transparency and accountability are cited as a major barrier to giving.
In fact, current trends are quite the opposite: we are witnessing more non-transparency instead of transparency.
Solid Headspace non-state, double-click the icon in the status bar of transparency, to activate the form of stock.
Rocks are non-transparency and brittle. It is difficult to simulate the movement of rock pieces in cut cavity by math and physics.
Rocks are non-transparency and brittle. It is difficult to simulate the movement of rock pieces in cut cavity by math and physics.