Victoria stood out as a dazzling nonconformist.
Assessment: Are You a "Constructive Nonconformist"?
Her Nonconformist designs stressed simplicity and comfort.
Therarity bias is also sometimes called a" nonconformist bias".
An eccentric or Nonconformist person, especially a member of a counterculture.
Gandhi's Nonconformist ways tend to appall and alienate secular-minded observers.
Two college dropouts with mysterious means of income and Nonconformist lifestyles.
Itinvolves rejecting conventional wisdom, hype, and the madness of crowds -essentially being a Nonconformist.
There was practical vocational education tradition in nonconformist academy and private academy in modern England.
A master of disguise, Holmes had an arsenal of unlikely alter egos, from an old lady to a "simple-minded Nonconformist clergyman."
Winter came and was very cold, the Nonconformist bird had never felt such cold weather and was afraid that he might freeze to death.
Championing the cause of the solitary artisan comes naturally to Kalin, a boyishly ambitious Nonconformist who wouldn't look out of place at the local skate park.
I've always been a kind of Nonconformist. I've long had a streak of wanting to test limits, break rules, and everything else that goes along with a rebellious mindset.
The objective refusal on obtaining images through digital camera lens, most popular in our days, shows how Nonconformist these depictions are and how unique they turn out to be.
He might pass through a becoming neighborhood with orange trees and palms and hedges, tight streets and nonconformist houses, where a single straggler can rouse half a dozen dog barks.
And before knowing whether the man had stolen, killed his father, or was merely a nonconformist, they would say: "The poor fellow, " or else, with a hint of admiration: "He's a pirate, all right."
在真相大白,弄清到底这人犯了偷窃之罪,还是有弑父之恶,或者仅仅是个违规者之前,他们会说:“可怜的家伙啊!” ,再不就是略有些钦羡,“不错,他是个海盗。”
And before knowing whether the man had stolen, killed his father, or was merely a nonconformist, they would say: "The poor fellow, " or else, with a hint of admiration: "He's a pirate, all right."
在真相大白,弄清到底这人犯了偷窃之罪,还是有弑父之恶,或者仅仅是个违规者之前,他们会说:“可怜的家伙啊!” ,再不就是略有些钦羡,“不错,他是个海盗。”