But Gates said reconciliation is none-the-less worth trying.
You might be stuck in one method of coping that has become complicated and no longer works so well, but none-the-less you are still coping and still managing life.
They have proven to be so adaptable to changing environments that they've "pretty much handled everything we've thrown at them, " says Barnard, whose lab none-the-less has made some progress.
None-the-less, the spiritual master is so kind that in spite of having bad dreams due to the sinful disciples, he accepts this troublesome business for the deliverance of the victims of Kali-yuga.
On the other hand, none of my friends so much as own a personal blog, much less partake in professional blogging.
The Arab world is more or less a vicious circle. None of its problems will be solved soon. All these troubles have the capacity to reinvent themselves.
More financial firms — with none too big to fail — would mean less concentrated financial power, less concentrated risk and better access and service for American businesses and the public.
According to the poll, 64 per cent said they aspire to find a husband bringing home more money. None wanted to marry a man who earned less.
The boys were enchanted, as she had intended them to be, and they hastened to apologize for boring her. They thought none the less of her for her lack of interest.
If a Gothic cathedral is (as some have said, misapplying their Shakespeare) a sermon in stone, then La Sagrada familia is a sermon in broccoli. And none the less powerful for it.
Spitzer detected a prebiotic molecule, called hydrogen cyanide, in the disks around yellow stars like our sun, but found none around cooler, less massive, reddish stars.
What I have found to work for me is a change of scenery. Big changes or little ones it doesn't matter but a change none the less.
There is reason to question the company's categorization of web traffic, but the trend is worth examining none the less.
However, although he was silent and grave, he was, none the less, both winged and armed.
Our habit of kicking the slippers on ahead, and catching them up again, made them work none the less hard, through effectually defeating at every step the reason of their being.
Frankly, of the ones that were there, I think less than half of themeven had a physics bachelor's degree, and obviously none of them had agraduate physics degree.
Big changes or little ones it doesn't matter but a change none the less.
I know he has usually worked well but none the less I must punish him on this occasion.
None of the works from Klimt's golden period has travelled to Liverpool, but there are excellent examples of earlier, somewhat less extravagant domestic portraits.
Although that part of the myth is left up to the imagination, blood consumption is, none the less, the ultimate telltale sign of a vampire.
THE Arab world is more or less a vicious circle. None of its problems will be solved soon.
But life in British schools none the less creates ambivalences even for gifted children.
None of this affects the basic message about staying healthy, which remains to eat less and exercise more.
However, none of the masks can stop 100% of the particles getting through and become less effective once they become moist.
None the less, Facebook has a clear agenda to convince you the user to willingly expose more information publicy by changing your privacy settings.
Only content from accounts marked public will be indexed by Bing, but it's a sea change none the less.
"Of course, most of it is tomatoes and ketchup and potatoes and French fries, but none the less it is plant-based," Eshel said.
Encounter none the less was the main British literary - intellectual journal of the period.
Encounter none the less was the main British literary - intellectual journal of the period.