By using nonlinear VAR model and impulse response function, this paper explores the reaction of "output—employment" system under the outer shocks.
Firstly, by means of multiple scale method the frequency response function of weakly nonlinear vibration system is derived.
The nonlinear function is given by the nonlinear PID algorithm, and the algorithm can guarantee the system have the property of the fast response, a little over shot and strong self adaptive.
By which linear and nonlinear frequency response function was estimated, and nonlinear stiffness coefficient and damping coefficient of the model were optimized by least square method in this paper.
The stability of multivariable nonlinear control system is discussed in connection with the generalized frequency response function matrix.
The nonlinear optical response in a metal-dielectric composite containing interfacial layers is studied in dilute limit as a function of temperature.
The nonlinear optical response in a metal-dielectric composite containing interfacial layers is studied in dilute limit as a function of temperature.