Nonverbal communication is your body language, the tone of your voice, its inflection, eye contact, and how far away you are when you talk to someone else.
Autistic people often have difficulties in communication because we are unable to intuitively read nonverbal cues, such as facial expressions and body language.
孤独症人士一般都有交流上的困难,因为我们不能直觉地解读非语言信息- - -比如面部表情和肢体语言。
An article entitled "Body Language: the art of Nonverbal Communication" found that women are expected to be more expressive, while men are supposed to "internalize" their emotions.
An article entitled Body Language: the art of Nonverbal Communication found that women are expected to be more expressive, while men are supposed to "internalize" their emotions.
Most of us have decoded "eye language" even if we did not know about body language or nonverbal communication.
Nonverbal communication says a lot. Body language portraying confidence signals you're leadership material. Stand tall, hold your head upright and make eye contact.
We will do the same for nonverbal communication which includes such variables as perception and use of time perception and use of space body language and eye contact.
We will do the same for nonverbal communication, which includes such variables as perception and use of time, perception and use of space, body language, and eye contact.
Of course, language is the most important channel of communication in human interaction, but it is not the only one, for example, many nonverbal symbols are necessary in communication.
This article discusses the positive functions of nonverbal communication in a learner-centered communicative language teaching classroom.
Body language is a means of nonverbal communication often found in the communication of mankind.
Body language is a means of nonverbal communication of mankind. Its characteristics are implication, haziness and humor.
Being used in a wide range, body language is a keynote of nonverbal communication and shaped by culture.
As a type of nonverbal communication, paralanguage is of great importance in spoken language communication.
The study of nonverbal communication should be complementary to the study of language.
This paper introduces the nonverbal communication's Differences in cross culture communication for foreign language learners to use and research with specific examples.
Nonverbal communication means all the communicative behaviour beyond language.
The English language riches in idioms which result from English history and culture, which includes many nonverbal communication idioms that strengthen and enhance the inner cultural information.
Paralanguage, a special feature of nonverbal communication, is a language feature worth studying and is one of the important subjects in pragmatics.
Whereas language is every bit as effective for masking out true feeling as it is for expressing them, much of nonverbal communication is beyond our purposefully control.
Body language is the nonverbal specific position or movements people adopt in the process of communication to convey information, to express feelings and to show attitudes.
Body language is a means of nonverbal communication often found in the communication of humankind.
Now, I'd like to look at the final part of my presentation today, differences on nonverbal language may hinder communication.
Body Language can communicate the information of nonverbal Language. The paper discuses its role in communication, meanings and differences in culture.
Nonverbal Communication; Body Language; Cultural Differences and Similarities; Principles.
As important as verbal language is to a communication event, nonverbal communication is just as, if not more, important.
Body language is a means of nonverbal communication often found in the communication of mankind. Its characteristics are implication? Haziness and humor.
Nonverbal communication and language communication both are the two ways of human communication. But nonverbal communication does not get so much emphasis as language communication.
Nonverbal communication and language communication both are the two ways of human communication. But nonverbal communication does not get so much emphasis as language communication.