I came from Thailand and most Thai food is spicy, but we also have normal food too.
For its nature, instant food is inferior to normal food in providing sufficient nutrition.
Supplementary oral intake of dietary food for special medical purposes in addition to the normal food.
The normal blank group accept hypodermic injection with equivalent normal saline, normal food and drinks.
The girl said she feels no need to eat normal food now that she has discovered how much she likes to eat soil.
Morden science and technology has not developed capably enough to make instant food as nutrient as normal food.
A simple tip that seems to work for patients is to revert slowly to normal food after losing weight on a very-low-energy diet.
While this treatment method is well-studied, there is a risk that patients will gain weight when they start to eat normal food again.
Male 6 months old Sprague Dawley rats were fed with normal food (controls) or with a special 5% cholesterol-enriched diet (hypercholesterolemia).
Hercules owner Mr. Flynn says that Hercules weight is natural and not induced by a bizarre diet: "I fed him normal food and he just grew"... and grew.
Methods 20 SD rats and 10 SD rats were feed with lipid rich food (20% lard) and normal food for 8 weeks to make alimentary obesity model respectively.
Try to buy ugly food next time, since it is just as good as "normal" food.
Yet there's no sign of resource hoarding in the data: inventories of food and metals are at or near historic lows, while oil inventories are only normal.
You'll eat more slowly, since you can't grasp as much food with them at a time as you can with your normal fork and knife.
The food supply is almost back to normal, with new vegetable plots dug on unused land.
At the same time, the surface slick is blocking sunlight needed to sustain plant-like phytoplankton, which under normal circumstances would be at the base of the food web.
Gracer is, he says, a normal guy who's also an entomophagist, an advocate for insects as food.
As a result, they are able to eat large amounts of food yet weigh less than normal mice.
Today, 37 per cent of the animals on the restricted diet are still alive, compared to just 13 per cent of monkeys who ate a normal amount of food.
Conversely, Berridge discovered that rats with a mutation that floods their brains with dopamine learned more quickly than normal rats how to negotiate a runway to reach the food.
And people who only take low fat food only had lowered LDL by 8% comparing with normal group.
Though still able to cook food, its microwaves (essentially, short radiowaves) are modulated to encode information as though it were a normal radio transmitter.
FAO reminded consumers that avian influenza is not a food-borne disease and that the bird flu virus is killed by the heat of normal cooking.
Scientists asked volunteers to gorge on fast food and be less active for four weeks, expecting them to put on weight but then return to their normal size.
At Betty's table, we see everyone happily talking and laughing and each enjoying their meal - normal-sized portions of food -completely oblivious to the competitive weight-loss happening around them.
Just as Elisha had said, there was plenty of food for everyone in Samaria, and prices returned to normal.
Just as Elisha had said, there was plenty of food for everyone in Samaria, and prices returned to normal.