Power system components are designed to operate under normal operating conditions.
The inverter supplies a voltage identical to that under normal operating conditions.
The Throttle body assembly shall meet all performance requirements listed herein at the normal operating conditions.
Furthermore, vented batteries release more hydrogen and oxygen along with other corrosive gases, even under normal operating conditions.
Michael Corradini, a professor of nuclear engineering at the University of Wisconsin, says first, engineers design for normal operating conditions.
一名威斯康星大学(Universityof Wisconsin)的核专家,说,首先工程师们是按照标准工作环境来设计的。
An additional benefit is that calibration can be conducted under normal operating conditions, rather than within the artificial environment of a laboratory.
Calculating water radionuclide content in a loop under normal operating conditions, as well as that in a loop corresponding to the damage rate of equivalent fuel element.
The serious events of core bending and deformation of several transformers in Lingao Nuclear Power Station happened in less than 3 years under the normal operating conditions.
Under normal operating conditions, the main generators supply electrical power through distribution buses to the main step-up transformers and the unit station service transformer;
The resistivity of element rapidly rises as the temperature rises, under normal operating conditions , generally the element resistance doesn't change with the service time changing.
二硅化钼电热元件的电阻率随着温度的升高而迅速增加。 在正常操作情况下,元件电阻一般不随使用时间的长短而变化。
The sensor's threshold values specify the ranges (min and max values) for determining whether the sensor is operating under normal, non-critical, critical or fatal conditions.
Regular hot air curtain device to do maintenance, so that the hot air curtain device operating under normal conditions. Can guarantee the use period of the hot air curtain.
Before operating the equipment, the operators shall inspect the equipment components and confirm they are in normal conditions.
The application of the system was beneficial to the reasonable match of various operating conditions and the normal service of tire.
Regular hot air curtain device to do maintenance, so that the hot air curtain device operating under normal conditions.
The WSA condenser is a key equipment in the acid-making system with off-gas at low SO2, and damage of this equipment due to change of operating conditions would affect normal operation of the system.
The device shall be required to operate through a normal operating range of 35% to 105% rated output over the full range of specified water level conditions.
该设备操作要求:在规定水位的满量程条件下,以35% - 105%额定输出的标准进行操作。
Mechanical switching device capable of making, carrying and breaking currents in normal circuit conditions and, when specified, in given operating overload conditions.
Mechanical switching device capable of making, carrying and breaking currents in normal circuit conditions and, when specified, in given operating overload conditions.