It is normal reaction in children who have been removed from their homes to a strange place.
The normal reaction, he says, when someone bumps into you is to think "that was a bit rude" and move on.
Running might be a normal reaction, he said, but talking about it afterwards was something else entirely.
The organic compounds unable to be synthesized under normal reaction can be fulfilled by means of umpolung.
Do not know why, feeling like floating clouds recently as erratic, perhaps the illness after the normal reaction.
This absorption is so strong that reaction sites in the catalyst can become blocked and normal reactions are inhibited.
In other words, your spontaneous, visceral hatred of atonal music reflects your true, healthy, normal reaction to abstract art.
And he did have one normal reaction — he felt a little guilty that he could only fake what Mother needed, instead of having it come from the heart.
Our normal reaction to anger is to "respond aggressively..." although "we can't physically lash out at every person or object that irritates or annoys us."
What is your normal reaction when people hurt you intentionally? Retaliate! Get even! We're often at our creative best when we're thinking up methods to get even.
Even had they convinced themselves that they understood this to be a normal astrophysical occurrence, and prepared for it, anger is a normal reaction to loss, or assault.
This normal human reaction is used to protect us by signaling danger and preparing us to deal with it.
The title compound has been obtained by the reaction of copper powder with sulfur powder, potassium sulfide and 3-methylpyridine at ambient temperature and normal atmosphere.
Getting angry when your time has been wasted is perfectly normal. It was just the scale of the reaction that was affected by the experimental manipulation.
The reaction produces a calcium carbonate seal, restoring the slab to its normal load-bearing capacity.
Overpressures of 1 to 2 pounds are produced by supersonic aircraft flying at normal operating altitudes. Some public reaction could be expected between 1.5 and 2 pounds.
She says that the overwhelming reaction to the tiny photograph, buried on page 194 of Glamour magazine "shows that the world is hungry to see pictures of normal women."
With a temperature of 3,000 kelvins, this ring of heat speeds along the tube 10,000 times faster than the normal spread of this chemical reaction.
当温度达到3000开尔文(Kelvin,热力热温度,等于摄氏温度加273),这个热量环(ringof heat)沿着纳米管移动的速度将比这类化学反应(chemicalreaction)的正常传递速度快10000倍。
TownScape is low demanding when it comes to CPU and memory, has an excellent reaction speed and does not interrupt normal user activity.
Failure can be extremely painful. Indeed, the "normal" psychological reaction to failure is to distract yourself and do something completely different right away.
Though the bystanders still feel uncomfortable, the good thing is the reaction of the person being involved is reacting normal.
Methods: We examined and observed 52 patients with typhoid and 20 normal controls by bacterial culture, Widal reaction, and enzyme-linked immunoassay for detection of typhoid bacilli H antigen.
Some level of continuing reaction to memories is natural and reflects a normal body and mind.
But because it failed to accumulate enough mass from the dust cloud, the thermonuclear reaction that "lights up" normal stars fail to ignite.
But extremely-successful entrepreneurs typically defy this "normal" reaction.
The process theory, start-up shift, catalyst reduction and the main points of normal operation of the CO medium temperature shift technology after the reaction are introduced.
Results The optical density value of the immunological reaction of synthesized 8 peptides with SARS patient serum was 1.5-2.6 times higher than that with normal serum.
Results The optical density value of the immunological reaction of synthesized 8 peptides with SARS patient serum was 1.5-2.6 times higher than that with normal serum.