What tare the normal working hours?
PM is normal working hours, not including and customers eat dinner party time.
Since you'll be in middle management, you're expected to be available up to 1.5 hours past normal working hours.
Since you'll be middle-anagement, you, re expected to be available up to one hour past normal working hours.
The BFS wants more resources needed to run late-opening clinics to accommodate would-be donors after normal working hours.
Whenever possible, radiographic inspection work will be performed during the night time, or outside normal working hours.
Both parties agree Party B's working hours are specified as follows (normal working hours: 09:00-18:00; lunch time: 12:30-13:30.)
Supplier has the right to inspect and carry out stock taking of the Products at Recipient at any time during normal working hours.
Normal working hours at Discharging Port shall mean from 0 (zero) to 24 (twenty-four) o 'clock, including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
Based on your job responsibility, the standard working hour policy will apply, all your jobs should be completed within the normal working hours.
Acceptance tests provided for the contract shall, unless otherwise agreed, be carried out at the place of manufacture during normal working hours.
No work shall be carried out on the Site on locally recognized days of rest, or outside the normal working hours stated in the Appendix to Tender, unless.
Most switches have a standby power circuit, switching power supply in standby mode still oscillating, but the frequency of normal working hours than lower.
If tests before shipment are provided for in the Contract they shall, unless otherwise agreed, be carried out at the place of manufacture during normal working hours.
All of the school's administrative staff will still be at the school during the holiday, please feel free to phone the school at any time during normal working hours.
Hours of Service under this Agreement shall be the normal working hours, excluding holidays, of ABC's Service Center unless otherwise indicated on the first page of this Agreement.
The employing units shall not cancel or reduce wages and benefits enjoyed by the workers in normal working hours if the workers exercise the rights specified in the preceding paragraph.
According to Korean labor laws, normal workers are allowed to work only 12 hours per week overtime, in addition to the regular eight-hour working days.
Constant media exposure creates stress while also numbing people to normal human interaction. And to pay for it all, people are working longer hours and enduring longer commutes.
垃圾食品已经导致了美国人每日摄取超过1000卡里路,这远远超过了他们所需要的,Rotheram-Borus 说.持续的媒体暴光给人们带来了压力并使人们在正常人际交往中麻木.在为此买单的同时,人们正在忍受逐渐加长的工作时间和上下班时间.
Provided that Party B accomplishes normal work in legal working hours, the wage paid to Party B shall not less than the local minimum wage standard.
Minimum wage is the lowest remuneration of labor pays by the employer if the workers provide normal work in the working hours or in the hours which is agreed by the legal labor contract.
Working hours: Irregular, may be required to work outside normal office hours, on Sundays or public holidays.
Party B shall be paid overtime for work done beyond normal duty hours on working days, or on day of rest or any holiday, at the rate of150% of the normal hourly wage.
Party B shall be paid overtime for work done beyond normal duty hours on working days, or on day of rest or any holiday, at the rate of150% of the normal hourly wage.