When the man goes to bed, the sound snoring clearly is from nose about li of effluence.
But the wall is interrupted by a deep ditch, where pigs nose about with birds perched on their backs.
They go up into your nose, especially when you forget about your sauce.
No matter how much we talk about tasting our favorite flavors, relishing them really depends on a combined input from our senses that we experience through mouth, tongue and nose.
That dog weighed about 25 to 30 pounds in life and possessed a short nose.
Elephants do not worry about things crawling up their nose. Instead, they act upon instinct.
After a few moments of indecision, and seeing that he was not about to change his attitude, I stood up and punched him in the nose.
I can be quite small, about 4 feet (1.2 meters) long or pretty big, up to 30 feet (about 9 meters) log from nose to tail!
And how much damage will be done to a company's brand if its customers realise that it has, quite literally, been leading them about by the nose?
A human's scent membrane in the nose is about the size of a postage stamp.
About 1 in 5 people taking sibutramine get some of these side effects: headaches, a dry mouth, constipation, difficulty sleeping, an itchy, runny nose and a dry, sore throat.
The nasal passages will become moist and the nose colder in about the same 2-3 minutes.
It tweaks an ear, and whispers laughing words about crocuses and daffodils, and nips the nose and dances off.
Some griped about the shutter glasses, however, calling them “heavy” and complaining that they “hurt the bridge of the nose.”
Elizabeth Coleman, Perry's mother, says she had been worried about the boy's behavior even before he got the bloody nose, noticing that he was unruly or withdrawn sometimes.
佩里的母亲伊丽莎白•科尔曼(Elizabeth Coleman)表示,即便在佩里被人打得鼻血直流之前,她就一直对这个孩子的行为感到 心忡忡。
Your face will turn red, your nose will run, and it may take five minutes to stop talking about the experience.
It has a horn upon its nose, about a cubit in length; this horn is solid, and cleft through the middle.
She could watch the small face of the baby and think about the smallness of his mouth, his eyes and his nose.
Redesigned with aero engines and larger wings, it could be made to fly at about 900 kilometres per hour with its nose angled up by about 5 degrees, Hawkes says.
And where else can you read about the health pros and cons of picking your nose?
We live in a world that valorizes this idea of work. We talk about work using phrases like, “keep your nose to the grindstone” and “no pain, no gain.
Our eyes are always about the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.
But you can also get your nose in a book - and, ironically, while "learning about life" you may be simultaneously avoiding it.
But I know for certain that God made us the way we're supposed to be, and I love everything about myself, the way I look, my nose, my skin.
Witnesses are asked about a suite of features, like crooked mouth, pointy nose and so on.
It is the nasal mucous you have to worry about - so no nose-kissing.
He grabbed a tissue to wipe away his tears and blow his nose, and it was time to talk about what book to read before bed.
He grabbed a tissue to wipe away his tears and blow his nose, and it was time to talk about what book to read before bed.