It was a great honour to be invited backstage at the not-for-profit Panda Base, where ticket money helps pay for research, I was allowed to get up close to these cute animals at the 600-acre centre.
Interviews with employees of not-for-profit organizations suggest that the reason for their greater motivation is the belief that their work helps to improve society.
Incomes of qualified not-for-profit organizations.
The fourth section briefly discusses special considerations for not-for-profit businesses.
“If I’m in the not-for-profit world, every year I have to fight to raise funds, ” he says.
Mentoring is widespread in the United States, in both corporations and not-for-profit organisations.
'When the economy sneezes, the not-for-profit sector catches the flu,' says Mr. Hochman. 'We get hit hard.'
But the aims of the conference, which is not-for-profit and aspires to become an annual event, are lofty.
A not-for-profit agency is working toward developing soil maps and making them available on the Internet.
The Company Prefix is assigned by a not-for-profit organization, GS1 US (formerly the Uniform Code Council.)
公司前缀由非盈利组织GS1 US(以前为美国统一代码委员会)分配。
Many not-for-profit organizations offer coaching and cover race expenses in exchange for your fund raising efforts.
This has been offered to the industry via the Agile Academy, a not-for-profit organization with a partnership model.
Sesame Workshop developed the shows with help of experts from Zero to Three, a well-regarded not-for-profit advocacy group.
Parents, charities and other not-for-profit groups will be encouraged to create new schools that could be open by September.
YSP, which had strong links to volunteering placements and responsible travel, will remain as an affiliated not-for-profit arm.
Since 2009, emphasis on not-for-profit health facilities is creating a breed of new entrants, even more in need of good systems.
This is to create a not-for-profit holding company for Scottish Water, rather as Welsh Water and Network Rail are organised now.
Consideration should be given to more extensive promotion of clinical trial results that are funded by not-for-profit organizations.
Parsons graduated with a BA in theater from the University of Houston, during which time he helped create a not-for-profit theatre company.
Our proposal was to run a not-for-profit game, with much of the money going to good causes, but we were just beaten by the eventual winner.
In March of 2007, Robert launched the not-for-profit Rails for All, with the purpose of giving back to the community that had given him so much.
Ordinary people are playing a more active role in the news system, along with a host of technology firms, news start-ups and not-for-profit groups.
Other newcomers include a host of not-for-profit news organisations that rely on philanthropic funding and specialise in particular kinds of journalism.
It happens to be there two kinds, there are private-for-profit enterprises and not-for-profit enterprises like the museum, like the opera house and so on.
For organizations, whether commercial or not-for-profit, communities represent one of the most important resources and tools used by and for the organization.
For organizations, whether commercial or not-for-profit, communities represent one of the most important resources and tools used by and for the organization.