When posting an email to an email list or bulletin board, do not give out your main email address.
Try to slot it in as a to-do list item and you'll manage only goal-focused reading—useful, sometimes, but not the most fulfilling kind.
Similarly, even though we may have a hundred and one things in our to-do list, not all of them have the same importance.
Since you do not have to wait for a list to be generated (stop and go) or allocate a thread to processing the loop (pipelining), this can be the most efficient method.
My problem is that if I have a list of things to do, no matter if they are high priority or personal projects for myself, I feel guilty if I am not working to shrink that list.
If you are not getting the deal you and your Realtor feel you deserve, do not be afraid to walk away, and look at the next home on your list.
If we are building an inversion list for searching only, we do not need to store the position of the last bit.
Most users do so by going to the advanced search form, but this form does not explicitly list XML.
大多数用户通过使用高级搜索表单来实现这一点,但是这种表单并不是显式地列出XML 。
When Posting to an email list or bulletin board, do not give out your main email address.
If you cannot handle the tight schedule, just shorten the to-do list -but not the lectures and classes.
The problem with a to-do list is that it does not take into account how much time you have available during the day.
This list could go on but I do not want to get lost in the examples.
Even if you do not believe in living your life by the list it is still a great way to clear your mind of unnecessary information and make sure that you do not forget any important tasks or dates.
If you are changing the database path (using DB_PATH) then you do not need to list all of these containers in the configuration file.
You do not need to select the site from the list of sites that display below the address bar.
Daily to-dos put too much pressure on you because you do not always have time to finish everything on the list.
Do not try to include every function that your users' wish list, even if they think they really need it.
You do not need to select multiple artifact types when you are filtering the artifact list to display either image or movie files.
Notice that God says the needs of your church family are to be given preference, not put at the bottom of your "things to do" list.
And it's not even desirable to do a huge task list - you're just spinning your wheels.
For these table Spaces, you do not specify a list of containers to use for the storage.
SAP and TPC benchmarks do not require hardware vendors to list the number of cores that were used when publishing their results.
A complete mental RAM dump: If I'm feeling anxiety about my to-do list, chances are it's not complete.
You may not pare down your to-do list, but you'll feel much better about work in the morning.
The to-do list is familiar, not least because the OECD has spent years cataloguing and comparing the rich world's supply-side rigidities.
Did you ever write that endless to-do list full of things that you do not want to do?
Did you ever write that endless to-do list full of things that you do not want to do?