There was even a bit of pride there — “I’m not afraid to suffer consequences in the quest to Do The Right Thing!”
Though she's willing to take a compliment, Sarandon says she's not afraid of aging one bit.
Under normal circumstances, I am not afraid of alleys, but it was so dark that I started to feel a bit uneasy.
Gucci: Hmm, not bad, but I'm afraid it's a bit too big for you.
I'm afraid I'll have to make do with the coat that is becoming a bit too short for me because mother says we are not so well off this winter.
She must never teach anything she is not interested in. she should be a bit of an actress, and she shouldn't be afraid to show her feelings and express her likes and dislikes.
We were rather afraid of the noise of the trains at first, but the landlord said we should not notice them after a bit, and took 2 pounds off the rent.
Maybe you are afraid of high glucose, or worried you would not be able to stop after eating a little bit. Or it could be that you simply don't want anything to eat.
Maybe you are afraid of high glucose, or worried you would not be able to stop after eating a little bit. Or it could be that you simply don't want anything to eat.