Or we take a feature and over-design it to include everything we (not the customer) could "possibly imagine."
This is a good feature during your analysis and design efforts, but not so good for your requirement efforts.
Globalization, as the design and execution of a globalized system, is not a feature.
But languages are organic entities, and adding a new feature to a language that was not anticipated in the original design is fraught with compromise and creates complexity.
The bottom line is, other apps may get the job done, but due to bad interface design, a critical missing feature, or trying to do too much, are not a pleasure to use.
Therefore, the authenticity of exhibition is not only a key feature of the museum, but also an important principle for exhibition design. This has become a consensus of today's museums.
The calculated error can be in one of two partitions about the desired accuracy, a feature of the structural design for the unit, which is not apparent from a purely functional specification.
The calculated error can be in one of two partitions about the desired accuracy, a feature of the structural design for the unit, which is not apparent from a purely functional specification.