It's important to envision a range of short - and longer-term future scenarios if you're not absolutely sure what your future direction will be.
Then the doctors are going to have to tell us how long it takes to test. We're not absolutely sure but we don't expect it to take a long time.
If you're not absolutely sure you know what you're doing, avoid such a shortcut and use a proper XML output toolkit (such as 4suite's MarkupWriter).
He was not even absolutely sure that it was Javert, and then it might have been Javert, without Javert knowing that he was jean Valjean.
And McCrory warned drunkards who "absolutely must assault an alligator while inebriated" to first make sure it is not a John Deere Gator cargo utility vehicle.
However the researchers can? T be absolutely sure that the two signals they measured were dark matter and not some other particle, which they call background.
However the researchers can't be absolutely sure that the two signals they measured were dark matter and not some other particle, which they call background.
Needless to say, this is not to be done unless you are absolutely sure you want to give your users that level of control over your programs.
"One thing I am absolutely sure of, without today's summit the world would not have crossed over the finish line in Copenhagen," he said.
In this case, it seems you would be the one more likely to bring the suit, not the other way around, but this is not absolutely clear from where I sit, so I can't be quite sure about that.
Do not disable it unless you are absolutely sure that the host network is completely secure.
However, doing this will make absolutely sure that they do not receive further incentive income from this source, which they might have received from a monogamous relationship.
I'm not sure if there are plans, but the media market in the west is absolutely terrible right now, especially for weekly publications.
It's very fatty and not very healthy for you, but I'm sure it would taste absolutely gorgeous.
There really is music cinch method?To be sure, absolutely not say to you, the cinch method only will methods and strategies to control the most perfect.
Yes, if forced at gunpoint you give what you are absolutely sure you don't want to give, you are likely to feel used and not useful.
Do not use Booleans unless you are absolutely sure there will never be a need for more than two values.
I am absolutely sure I will not be employed once I'm done with my studies.
Thus, you must be absolutely sure that you do not leave dirt or abrasive in the engine or on engine parts when you finish a job.
Thus, you must be absolutely sure that you do not leave dirt or abrasive in the engine or on engine parts when you finish a job.