If we do not implemented, they will not be given to the supply of natural gas.
But we should not be given to the Internet, or we'll get our life and study destroyed.
It also should not be given to diabetics who have moderate kidney disease or heart failure.
For example, the 'Manage members' permission can not be given to non member or anonymous users.
Room keys should be kept with the lodger or in the Duty Room. Keys should not be given to non-residents.
Remember, honey should not be given to children under the age of 1 year without first consulting a doctor.
That advisory committee met last week -- and voted that these drugs should not be given to children under the age of six.
This site navigation content may be offensive; can not be given to a person aged under 18 years of age to visit or browse.
British doctors say Tamiflu should not be given to children suffering from flu because it does little good and increases vomiting and other side effects.
The Club InterContinental Experience or Club Lounge access will not be given to Ambassadors as this is not a benefit that is included in Ambassador status.
Aspirin, acetaminophen and ibuprofen can all be used to reduce pain and fever. But aspirin should not be given to children because it can cause a rare condition.
The FDA is considering a previous panel recommendation that a variety of over-the-counter cough and cold medicines should not be given to children under 6 because evidence of a benefit is lacking.
Will not even philosophers, one might ask, given the possibility of absolute power, be tempted to abuse their positions?
No one wants to have or be around demanding, selfish and spoiled children, those who get bad-tempered or silently brute when they are not given everything they want immediately.
The defining term of intelligence in humans still seems to be the IQ score, even though IQ tests are not given as they used to be.
定义人类智力的术语似乎仍然是IQ分数,尽管 IQ测试的过程已经和过去不同。
If Simon had not, early in life, learnt to be content with his life, he might never have been given those chances.
The solution turned out to be advertising, and it's not an exaggeration to say that Google is now essentially an advertising company, given that that's the source of nearly all its revenue.
Scarcely an adventure or character is given in his works that may not be traced to his own party-colored story.
But that would be a dangerous option to adopt and may not even be possible, given that markets can see such policies coming and demand higher bond yields.
This alone is not sufficient to ensure that any given transformation is going to be used correctly.
Moreover, Wallis was not given the right to be a Royal Highness or a member of the British Royal Family.
A system then can be said to be simple if there are not many paths to a given point and complex if there are lots of paths to a given point.
The cornfield across the road does not seem nearly so tall or so green as it ought to be, given the time of year, but I am not discouraged.
Functional foods are enriched with nutrients that may not be inherent to a given food.
And Florida should be given a time-out until it proves that it can be trusted not to mess things up again.
Skills can be taught to a talented employee. A skilled employee can not just be given talent.
Skills can be taught to a talented employee. A skilled employee can not just be given talent.